Sunday 12 September 2010

September already?

I can't believe its September already. The weather has been warm and a bit wet the last few weeks, so some of the flowers are having a second go at flowering. I have been very pleased with this Anthemis Tinctoria EC Buxton. I planted it in the spring and it was flowering by June, in spite of being molested by my sweet peas which grew over it. I cut it back a little in July and it is now covered in flowers again:
I went to the Wisley flower show yesterday, looking for some late summer colour. I was hoping to find Rudbeckia "Goldsturm" which has bold cheerful deep yellow daisy flowers. Instead I found a relative- Rudbeckia triloba. It is the same colour but has smaller flowers with more rounded petals and is much prettier. I hope the slugs don't eat it.
I also bought this Selinum wallichianum, which I hope will have cow-parsley type flowers next summer. It has attractive fine foliage and purple stems:
I planted up two pots with "Minnow" miniature daffodils and red cyclamen for winter and spring colour:
My Japanese acers, grown in pots on the patio, are showing their autumn colour now. This is acer nicholsonii, which is one of the first I acquired, over 10 years ago:
This is acer shirasawanum:
This is acer aconitifolium:

And here are some general views: