Saturday, 2 January 2010

First Steps in 2010

Today was a lovely still sunny day, perfect for getting outside and starting on the garden. I started with the the flower bed on the left hand side of the garden, removing the grey verbascums, pruning the honeysuckle and rose and generally tidying up. The bed now looks like this. I think I may have over-pruned the rose -  I hope it will recover.

It looks a bit bare, even though I didn't have the heart to take out the lavender today. There is plenty of room for new plants, so I need to think how best to find plants that will work together. The rose is creamy-yellow, the sweet cicely at the back is white and frothy, there is a yellow/green euphorbia, a green angelica and lots of white garlic chives. So a green/white/yellow theme would be very pretty.But I also have purple chives and ornamental onions, and purple aquilegia. So it looks like green/white/yellow and purple are  in order. I'm not good at restrained colour schemes. I might add some orange and red for good measure. I've got until April to decide.

Other jobs today included weeding some of my pots and taking the old leaves off the hellebores, which are just starting to show colour. These are real stars in early spring, and I am besotted by them. I have fancy double ones in pots and single ones in the flower beds in both front and back gardens. Each individual plant is different because they are hybrids, so I buy them in flower. They are a real sign that Spring is on it's way.

My garden is full of surprises. While clearing away some leaves, I uncovered a ripe alpine strawberry, a little pale but otherwise untouched by the weather.

And a little judicial pruning of the Trachelospermum Jasminoides (which is a tender evergreen climber) revealed my gargoyle, Etheldreda, who has been covered for a couple of years.

I need to do something for her companion, Athelstan, who is threatened with obscurity from another climbing rose further down the garden.

And last but not least, another old friend turned up when I tidied up the alchemilla mollis. Little Hugo got left by the pond last summer and disappeared. It was lovely to find him again.

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