Sunday, 11 April 2010

Spring Sunshine

After a cool Easter weekend, there has been a very sunny and warm few days, which has brought the bees out to feed on the spring flowers. It was warm enough in the sunshine to sit out and read a book - which is what I did yesterday for the first time this year.

Today I did a little tidying - deadheading the daffodils, removing some dandelions and other weeds, and general pottering. I also watered the pots with a liquid seaweed feed.

The warmth has brought out the flowers which were in bud last week, and the garden is beginning to look very pretty.
This tulip is particularly pretty. It is a little ahead of the other tulips of the same type.
The snakes head fritillaries are now fully out as are the little woodland anemones (anemone nemerosa)
I planted this Euphorbia Polychroma last year and it has established well at the back of the border. I love the acid yellow/green flowers.


  1. Your garden's looking pretty. Those snakes head fritilaries are quite peculiar.. eye-catching!


  2. Hi Nikjass. Thanks. I'm really pleased they grew - they like damp ground and I created a damp patch especially for them. I love the chequered pattern on the petals - I can't think of another plant with anything similar.
